My Top Three for Kids

These are my “go to” and most used herbals for my kiddo.


This one is a game changer for EVERY age.  This is my go to for anything viral, bacterial, fungal, or I don’t know’al what is going on but I know SOMETHING is.  It is low dose (so a bottle lasts FOREVER), VERY effective (like my own personal go to herb) and I used it safely as long as mine was older than 6 months (always check with your doctor, although I say that and most have never heard of it so ask them to look it up…lol).  

If my LO has a fever longer than two days I give her this and it has moved the fever out.  (That is when she is acting fine otherwise besides a little tired.) I try to let the fever take its course as it is a healthy immune response.  If she was acting off I would give it sooner.

1 drop Andrographis tincture (asking what a Tincture is? Check out my herbal medicine breakdown to explain) 3 times a day is all you need for a small toddler.  I sneak it in a sweet potato bite, a piece of paleo toast, banana or anything else you can easily drop a drop on and they will eat. For a older child it is based on weight but still very low dose.  I will move up to 2-3 drops for a 3-5 year old and 4-6 drops for 5-12 years olds based on weight.  At that point they will take it in a little water although warn them it will taste REALLY bitter.  You can always put it in something they like to hide the taste.

Seriously try this herb yourself. (I usually do 10-12 drops 3-4 times a day if I feel something coming on or have something.)  GAMECHANGER.  Hear more about why the herb is a powerhouse soon when I do a write up about it.

Note: Children’s doses are almost ALWAYS smaller. My nephews took 5-6 drops 3 times a day.  And for REALLY little ones like my own under 2 years…I have given 1 drop 3-4 times a day.


Yarrow is the first thing I go for when there is a bruise, swelling from a fall, or open cut.  This stuff will clean out the cut as well as help stop the bleeding.  I put some tincture in a dab of olive oil to rub on any bump and bruise and the swelling goes down…you have to try it to believe it.  Notice my bottle is empty because of how much I use it! 

Yarrow is also great if my LO has a fever by helping the heat escape so the fever can break.   Whether it is through a bath for her infant and toddler stage (Luke warm bath during a fever) or using a tincture or tea as she gets older it works great.


If you haven’t heard of Elderberry it is time to meet your flu season companion.  I will just leave the links to some studies below to look at.  This is a no brainer for both prevention and treatment in our place for flu and colds.  It stimulates the immune system which leads to killing virus infected cells.  This powerhouse antiviral shortens the duration of a virus and lessens the symptoms.

Whenever my LO is around someone who is sick or has any signs of a potential cold I simmer 1-2 teaspoons of Elderberries in a cup or two of water for 20-30 minutes and give her a shot of the tea a few times throughout the day.  She LOVES it.  Most children will like the taste but you can always add a little raw honey if you need to sweeten it up a bit. (Don’t add honey for children under 1.)

Elderberry syrup is a good option for children over the age of 1 and most will LOVE it.  I personally do the tea right now as I want to have my LO appreciate the unsweetened taste for now.

For dosing and some more info (including more studies) on this super herb check out my herbs for Cold and Flu season…coming soon

Additional Herbs I use these days

All of my herbal medicine practicing has come from working with the herbs and from an amazing group of teachers including but not limited to Richard Manderbalm, Claudia Keel, Dr. Patrick Fratellone, Matthew Wood, KP Khalsa, and Anne Mcintyre.  Although having resources such as books is always great to have on hand: sitting in a classroom, shadowing, or working in clinic thanks to these amazing humans is at the core of everything I grab from.

Fallon, The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care

Hoffmann, Medical Herbalism

McIntyre, Dispensing with Tradition

Richter, The Ultimate Pet Health Guide

Wood, The Earthwise Repertory


Fallon, The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care

Hoffmann, Medical Herbalism

McIntyre, Dispensing with Tradition

Richter, The Ultimate Pet Health Guide

Wood, The Earthwise Repertory


Disclaimer:  The information. contained herein is not to be constructed as medical advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition.  These statements made have not been approved by the FDA, nor should they be taken as a substitute for medical advice from a licensed physician.  This is for educational purposes.